try + gerund or infinitive?

  • Εκτύπωση

try + gerund or infinitive?

Με απαρέμφατο  ?προσπαθώ? να κάνω κάτι μελλοντικά, το οποίο είναι δύσκολο..

[= make an effort, attempt to do sth. difficult]


try to be as objective as possible

try to convey the concept

try to win them over by being kind to them or doing them a favor

Try to remember the names of the objects.

Ruth tried not to show her terror.

I?ve been trying to open this window, but it?s stuck.


Μόνο στην προστακτική

Try and be your age!  [= behave like an adult]

Με γερούνδιο σημαίνει ?δοκίμασα ήδη  να κάνω κάτι, αλλά??

[= make an experiment]

They tried phoning, but there was no reply.

I tried going by taxi, but it is very expensive.



απλά δοκιμάζω κάτι [=test]

Try using a different shampoo.

I thought I might try parachuting.

Try resetting the alarm clock. [=για άλλαξε την ώρα?]


Εμμανουήλ Νίνος [ΠΕ06]